Le Rif, better known locally as the former Stena Galloway and Galloway Princess, has been on the move again. The former Stena and Sealink ferry had been moved from Tangier Med to the Mario Lopez shipyard in Malaga earlier in the year, however it appears that her owners have decided to complete work on the ship elsewhere with the ship having never entered the dry dock at the Spanish yard. It has been rumoured that the owners and the yard could not come to a financial agreement acceptable to both parties. It is said that the ship is seriously deficient in basic areas and that the work required is more extensive than previously thought meaning the original €2.5m budget for the work was inadequate. Le Rif left Malaga under the tow of Sea Dream on 17th of November, arriving in La Spezia (Italy) on the 23rd of November. According to ferrybalear.blogspot.be it … Read more