Less updates than planned due to a hardware upgrade at home yesterday taking a little longer than expected (and my printer having to be returned). I have also been quite active in other places so the website took a bit of a back seat. However, the following have been changed on the website:
- P&O promotional video added to the European Causeway/European Highlander page.
- Stena Superfast page updated with new pictures.
- Some typographical errors corrected.
- Watermarking plugin removed due to causing site errors and general slowdown of the site.
- Some ferry industry news added.
- Added details of the stabiliser and radar systems fitted to European Causeway/European Highlander.
- New picture on the welcome/landing page.
Additionally I have also started the following content::
- Started writing the draft for the Stena Lagan and Stena Mersey page as most research now complete.
- Started researching the Seatruck Fleet.