Stena Line Cairnryan timetable changes

By: Steven Tarbox
Last updated:

The following changes have been made to the Stena Line Belfast-Cairnryan (Loch Ryan Port)-Belfast timetable, effective 05/01/15

Ex Belfast:
– The Saturday 2330 departure will now sail 2300 with a passage time of 2 hours 45 mins.  Arrival 0145.
– Sunday’s 2300 departs at the same time but now arrives 0130. 2 hours 30 mins.

Ex Loch Ryan Port:
– Saturday 2330 now sails 2300 with a passage time of 2 hours 45 mins. Arrival 0145.
– Sunday 0530 will now sail 0500 and arrival will be the same time as previously, 0745.
– Sunday 2359 will now sail 2300 and arrive 0145.

As always, if you are due to travel on any of these sailings please check with Stena Line directly.

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