Stena Feronia due to enter service

Stena Feronia is expected to enter into service on Thursday operating the 10:30 sailing ex Belfast, freeing up the currently inbound Stena Mersey to visit the dry dock at Harland and Wolff. On Mersey’s return to service, Feronia will substitute for Stena Lagan so she can visit A&P at Falmouth. Stena’s online booking engine indicates that ‘Lagan’s’ last sailing will be the 10:30 on the 3rd of December ex Birkenhead with Stena Mersey taking over her schedule from then onwards (22:30 ex Belfast on the 3rd) with Feronia staying on the same roster. According to the booking engine (at time of writing) there is no space available for passengers on Stena Feronia until Saturday ex Belfast and next Tuesday ex Birkenhead. Photograph © Scott Mackey.