[Blast from the Past] Belfast Ferries Restaurant Menu

Crop of the cover of a menu from Belfast Ferries/Belfast Car Ferries ST COLUM I. Copyright © NIFerrySite Archive.

This weeks “Blast from the Past” is a menu from the Belfast – Liverpool ferry ST COLUM I, probably dating from the period shortly before the Belfast Car Ferries/Belfast Ferries service ended in October 1990 due to the use of the Belfast Ferries brand instead of “Belfast Car Ferries’.

Blast from the Past: Norse Irish Ferries’ VOMERO

VOMERO seen in Belfast Lough on 21st May 1995 while operating for Norse Irish Ferries. Copyright © Alan Geddes.

The Ro-Ro freighter VOMERO was chartered by Norse Irish Ferries in 1995 as a stop-gap following the return of NORSE MERSEY (i) to Stena until the arrival of the brand-new NORSE MERSEY (ii) from Visentini. VOMERO also operated in U.K. waters as IPSWICH PIONEER II and AQUILA.

Stena in Belfast – Celebrating 20 years of Stena Line operating from Belfast.

Stena Superfast VII and Stena Superfast VIII passing in Belfast Lough. Copyright © Alan Geddes.

20th anniversary of Stena Line switching the historic Larne – Stranraer service to Belfast. Today marks 20 years from the last sailing of what was then Stena Sealink Line, into the Port of Larne from Scotland, with tomorrow the anniversary of the first Stena ferry sailing from Belfast. Few could have predicted at the time that 20 years, and 2 bespoke Belfast-Scotland terminals later, Stena Line would also offer services from Belfast to Birkenhead and Heysham, as well as operating a pair of 203 metre long ferries to Scotland from Belfast.  Just six weeks after the switch, on the 31st December 1995, the “Sealink” name would disappear altogether with all UK operations being rebranded as “Stena Line”. Of course, things have also changed dramatically at Larne. No longer Northern Ireland’s premier ferry port, Stena’s rise at Belfast has been somewhat mirrored by P&O’s decline at Larne. The services to Fleetwood and … Read more