Stena move to further boost capacity on Belfast – Liverpool link
Stena Line is moving to further boost capacity on the popular Belfast to Liverpool route by introducing a larger vessel to the service.
Stena Line is moving to further boost capacity on the popular Belfast to Liverpool route by introducing a larger vessel to the service.
Copenhagen, 2015-03-27 14:08 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Announcement no. 25 DFDS has today entered into an agreement to sell the ro-ro freight ship Flandria Sea-ways following an optimisation of the allocation of the fleet deployed by the route network on the North Sea. The freight capacity of the ship, built in 2000, is 1,692 lane metres. The sales price of the ship was DKK 90m. The profit on the sale of the ship is expected to be approximately DKK 14m. The sale does not entail changes to the previously announced expectations for 2015. Chinese built Flandria Seaways is of course a near sister to the slightly older Japanese built Stena Hibernia and Stena Scotia, and also a sister to Anglia Seaways, which recently operated for Seatruck from Warrenpoint.
Updates to the original text are in red. Stena Line have posted the following to their ferrycheck page “Please be advised that due to earlier adverse weather the next sailing from Belfast to Cairnryan today will be 1430 hrs instead of 1130 and 1530 hours- Please check in by 1330 hrs to ensure you get on this sailing – if you wish to change your booking please calll 08447 70 70 70 – Sorry for any inconvenience caused”.  At present (18:00), Ferrycheck indicates that the remainder of todays sailings will operate as normal Tonights Birkenhead to Belfast sailing is delayed by up to 3 hours, whereas the Belfast-Birkenhead sailing is delayed by 60 90 minutes.  This mornings 10:30 departure for Birkenhead was delayed by some 120 minutes according to ferrycheck.  Stena Hibernia is currently on the berth at VT2, so I assume she is sailing for Birkenhead today. Stena Hibernia … Read more
The return of Stena Superfast VIII to service yesterday afternoon saw the completion of the 6th refit in Stena’s Irish Sea North refit schedule.  Stena Performer, Stena Mersey , Stena Lagan, Stena Hibernia, Stena  Superfast VII, and Stena Superfast VIII have all been refitted since November of last year.  Stena Precision will refit in April, meaning all 7 local vessels have been refitted in 5 months.  All of the refits have been completed by Belfast yard Harland & Wolff with the exception of Stena Lagan (which visited A&P Falmouth instead), in what is a £6 million pound investment by Stena Line. The refit of Stena Superfast VII and VIII was covered by Stena Nordica, which herself was displaced by the arrival of Stena Superfast X on the Dublin – Holyhead route.  Stena Nordica is currently laying over at D1 in Belfast having transferred her crew and stores back to Stena … Read more
As of last weekend, four of Stena’s Irish Sea ships should have completed overhauls: Stena Performer, Stena Mersey, Stena Lagan and Stena Hibernia. Stena Hibernia had been expected to resume service to Liverpool (Birkenhead) at 15:00hrs on Monday, but is still at Harland & Wolff. Stena Precision is currently en-route from Birkenhead to Belfast so may well swap places with Hibernia after discharging in Belfast as she is the next vessel scheduled to visit Harland & Wolff. Stena Superfast VIII and then Stena Superfast VII are expected to visit Harland & Wolff in March with Stena Nordica providing cover on the North Channel service following being displaced on the Dublin – Holyhead route by Stena Superfast X. Of 7 ships a total of 6 have been/will be handled by Harland & Wolff – Stena Lagan being the exception as she went to A&P Falmouth in December as the H&W where busy handling … Read more
As has been reported elsewhere, Stena Nordica will make a brief trip up to Belfast for a short dry docking at Harland and Wolff on the 15th and 16th of this month. Stena Performer is currently at H&W for the weekend – cover is being provided by Stena Hibernia which usually lays over during the weekend.
Stena Superfast VII left Harland and Wollf this afternoon and headed for Victoria Terminal 4, I assume to take up her normal schedule from the 19:30 departure onwards. Stena Hibernia has returned to the Birkenhead schedule a day early. European Highlander is still in drydock with what looks to be serious technical problems. Its a very wet and blowy evening out there, let’s hope there are no further delays.
Both European Highlander and Stena Superfast VII where off service today at Harland and Wolff shipyard. Â Whilst the Stena maintenance had been planned, European Highlander suffered serious technical problems towards the end of last week and so was drydocked this morning. Â This has meant North Channel services to both Cairnryan ports have operated at half capacity. Â P&O’s Express Catermaran is also at Harland and Wolff being readied for her planned return to service At the end of the month. Stena Hibernia left Belfast laden this evening just after 7:30pm bound for Cairnryan in order to move trailer traffic across the channel and I assume she will also return laden. Â At present European Highlander is still in drydock, and Superfast VII is scheduled to be off service tomorrow as well, so all sailings are expected to be very busy again tomorrow. At present the active fleet is as follows: P&O Larne … Read more
The freight only Belfast – Birkenhead vessel Stena Hibernia is to layover at Belfast instead of Birkenhead over the weekends. Â This means her first sailing of the week will be the 15:00 from Belfast instead of the 03:00 from Birkenhead.
An overview of the Stena Line freight ferries STENA SCOTIA and STENA HIBERNIA. Includes history, technical information, and photographs of the Belfast based sisters.