Stena Embla | Stena Line

STENA EMBLA arrives at Belfast after a 6,000+ mile journey from China. Copyright © Steven Tarbox /

Your guide to ‘Stena Embla’, the second of two brand-new ferries to be introduced on the Belfast – Liverpool route in early-2020/2021.

Stena Edda | Stena Line

STENA EDDA seen at Birkenhead prior to entering service on the Birkenhead - Belfast route. Copyright © Das Boot 160 Photography.

Your guide to ‘Stena Edda’, Stena Line’s new Ro-Pax ferry introduced on the Belfast – Liverpool route during March 2020.

New Belfast-Liverpool Ferry ‘Stena Edda’ Leaves China for the U.K.

Some of STENA EDDA's delivery crew join Senior Master Captain Neil Whittaker (white shirt, centre) on the bridge to mark the start of her delivery voyage to the UK. Stena Line.

The first of two brand-new Belfast – Liverpool ferries, STENA EDDA, left her builders yard in China for the first leg of her journey to the U.K. earlier.  The new ferry will follow a similar route to the Irish Sea as that taken by direct-sister STENA ESTRID.  STENA EDDA is the first of two new ships replacing STENA LAGAN and STENA MERSEY in 2020 and 2022. At present STENA EDDA is expected to arrive in Singapore or on around January 29. After taking on stores/bunkers and off-loading garbage she will then proceed to the Suez Canal – likely via Galle in Sri Lanka to Europe.  She will make then make a stop in Southern Europe before beginning the final leg of her journey to the U.K. Like with STENA ESTRID, the journey will exceed 10,000 nautical miles and take in the region of six weeks. According to a Recent Sky … Read more